At 5am Saturday morning the developer – iStar – started to destroy 16 years of community gardening effort.
The Garden survived Hurricane Sandy but not the destruction by machines intent on leveling a thriving community garden.
On Thursday they locked the garden. This morning, under cover of darkness, the developer is moving to take possession.
The community and the New York City Community Garden Coalition (NYCCGC) ask: if the building of this amphitheater were legal why would they come at 5am to do this? In what other part of the city would construction projects start under cover of darkness? And if the city were true to their word about finding another garden for these people why at 5am would they be destroying personal property?
The community gardeners support community revitalization and see the Boardwalk Community Garden as an exemplary grassroots initiative by the people of Coney Island.
They are asking the new administration to support the rights of the working people of Coney Island to feed themselves and exist alongside new revitalization.
The Community and the NYCCGC will not let this action stand without a fight.
Where: Boardwalk community garden. 2071, 22nd street between Surf avenue and the Boardwalk. Coney Island Subway Stops F,N,D, & Q
On site contact person: Yury at 917-204-0440 or 347-206-9620
For More info on legal and detailed info please contact New York City Community Garden Coalition (NYCCGC) Executive Director:
Aziz Dehkan at 973-222-5413 or
News coverage of the garden's struggle and the questionable legality of the amphitheater:
Brooklyn Paper - "People’s Playground planters say Childs Plan eating parkland without proper approvals"
NY 1 - "Brooklyn Amphitheater Threatens Community Garden's Future"
News 12 - "Locals Rally to Save Coney Island Garden"

Boardwalk Community Garden this summer, before demolition

Boardwalk Community Garden this summer, before demolition