THANK YOUWe packed the court!
Thank you so much to everyone who came out in support of Boardwalk Community Garden yesterday. This case could impact all community gardens on public land in New York City, and your solidarity rang loud and clear. We will provide an update on the case soon (or come to the general meeting/party on Thursday! Read all of our past posts on the case here. Our work on this case could not happen without your support. As this case continues, we hope you will consider a donationto NYCCGC so that we can keep paying the incredibly talented and generous lawyers at the NY Environmental Law and Justice Project, who have donated many, many, many hours of pro bono work on this case. THANK YOU! |
PARTY!!Our December general meeting will be a party! Come one come all for a celebration of another year of community gardening in NYC. We'll hear updates on current cases and plan for next year. Bring fellow garden members and something yummy to share. December 18, 6:30pm-8:30pm |
January & February: Bylaws & ElectionsThank you to everyone who came to our board meeting on Thursday, 12/4, to discuss bylaws. Notes from that meeting are forthcoming, but one outcome was the suggestion to review other community organizing, base-building organizations' bylaws at our meetings in January. We plan to invite representatives of such organizations to share with us how they govern themselves. We'd like you to join us. Mark your calendars: Thursday, January 8, 6:30pm-8:30pm, NYCCGC Board meeting ElectionsElections will be held the first quarter of 2015. What this means for you: If you'd like to join our board but haven't made it to any meetings or events this year, OR if you would like to nominate someone for the board, there is still time! Information about eligibility is on ourwebsite. Executive Director Aziz Dehkan will be managing board elections, so if you're interest in running, please contact him at! PLEASE JOIN US! Thanks again - see you on Thursday! |