The City is in the process of developing an Urban Agriculture Policy. This will affect all of us. Your input is important.
We will be at the table for an upcoming listening session with stakeholders and City officials. Be part of the process! Come to our meeting on Saturday and fill out a short survey.

Most broadly, urban agriculture refers to growing and raising food crops and animals in an urban setting for the purpose of feeding local populations. Cities choose to narrow and focus this definition in various ways, often categorizing urban agriculture as one or more of the following: community gardens, commercial gardens, community supported agriculture, farmers’ markets, personal gardens, and urban farms.
New York City has a long, rich history in urban agriculture. From backyards to community gardens to urban farms, across the five boroughs concerned community members have been growing food as well as greening communal spaces in our neighborhoods for decades. For-profit growing businesses have also entered the NYC urban agriculture landscape.
That is why it is important to hear from you: Urban Agriculture Survey
Click for details on Saturday's public meeting on the city's urban agriculture policy.