Author: NYCCGC

Elizabeth Street Garden Filed A Lawsuit

  Elizabeth Street Garden (ESG), ESG Chair Renee Green, and the Garden’s creator Allan Reiver have filed a lawsuit against the City of New York and the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) challenging their actions regarding environmental quality review of the…

Mayor De Blasio: Protect Mandela Garden

A decision in the lawsuit to protect Mandela Garden from development could come as early as next week, and we have one more chance to tell the Mayor how critical this resource is before a decision is made. We’d like…

Giving Growing

Cooling air and freezing ground give us time to reflect on the past year and plan for the coming season. Many of our City’s community gardens are in trouble, under threat of demolition that we as a coalition have challenged at every…

Support J.D. Wilson Memorial Garden at CB10

Parks has filed to acquire two privately owned parcels on the site of J.D. Wilson Memorial Garden on West 122nd Street. With the Uniform Land Use Review Process (ULURP) certified, the process has formally begun. The application will now go…

Charter Review: Manhattan Public Hearing

The 2019 Charter Revision Commission is at work, holding public hearings in each borough to solicit the public’s ideas for improving city government – and at 6:00 pm next Thursday, Sept. 27, at the City Council Chambers in City Hall, it’s…

New York City Charter Revision Hearings

For the rest of September, the City Council is conducting citywide, borough-based hearings on the Revision of the City Charter. This holds major implications for determining how Land Use (including ULURP) decisions are made and how local Community Boards, Borough…

Survey: New 4-year GreenThumb License

GreenThumb is about to issue the new 4-year license agreement for community gardens operating on NYC Parks land. In preparing the rights and requirements for the new term, GreenThumb is asking gardeners to respond to an online survey. NYCCGC urges everyone to…

Save J.D. Wilson Memorial Garden

The Joseph Daniel Wilson Memorial Garden in Central Harlem was created more than 30 years ago by an elderly Guyanese gentleman–a Harlem homeowner, a group of teens, a young woman and her future husband. An amazing oasis emerged from what…

Run for the board of the NYC Real Estate Investment Cooperative

The NYC Real Estate Investment Cooperative (REIC) is a group of over 500 New Yorkers pooling money and power to invest in real estate that preserves, restores and enhances local spaces for cultural, commercial and charitable uses in New York City.…

Feed Your City: UN Call for Submissions

The UN Food Gardens Initiative, in partnership with UN-Habitat, is organizing a showcase of small scale urban agriculture initiatives in the Americas in order to share experiences, raise awareness about urban agriculture in the region, and incentivize policy action in…