Author: NYCCGC

Gardens Rising Logo Competition

Rules The deadline for submission is Friday November 27, 2015. All submissions must include, “Gardens Rising” in the design. All entries must be accompanied by your name and contact information. By submitting an entry, you agree to be bound by…

Tuesday, 11/17: Action to save gardens on HPD land

Join us and gardens on HPD land to protest the 6th Annual Brooklyn Real Estate Summit at the Brooklyn Museum, organized by the Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network (BAN). Land grabs by real estate developers are causing widespread displacement, particularly of people…

Gardens Rising

Program Announcement: Since 1996, the New York City Community Garden Coalition has promoted the preservation, creation, and empowerment of community gardens through education, advocacy, and grassroots organizing. NYCCGC is the only organization in New York City by and for community…

November General Meeting

Please join us for our November general meeting Thursday, 11/19, at 6:30pm. The meeting will take place at the Neighborhood Preservation Center in Manhattan (232 E. 11th St). Bring updates about your garden. We’ll bring updates about cases and issues…

October General Meeting

Please join us for our October general meeting TODAY, 10/15, at 6:30pm. The meeting will take place at Nos Quedamos in the Bronx. 754 Melrose Ave, Bronx, NY 10451 The 2, 5 & 4 will get you there. Bring…

September General Meeting: 9/17, 6:30pm, TWO locations

September’s meeting will take place in two locations. Please pick the garden most convenient to you! We’ll see you there! September 17, 6:30pm-8:30pm Powell Street Community Garden 410 Livonia Avenue Brooklyn NY 11212 Metro: 3 to Junius Street or L…

9/1/15 Rally Against NYU Expansion

From an email sent by LaGuardia Corner Gardens members: On Sept. 1, in Washington Square Park, please join our coalition of students, faculty and staff at NYU, the New School, and Cooper Union, people of the Village, and labor unions…

Update on the Boardwalk Community Garden Case

By Seth Korman, attorney, New York Environmental Law and Justice Project Update on Coney Island Boardwalk Garden Case, August 25 Our case against the city and developer iStar financial continues.  There have been a few small developments as of recent,…

August General Meeting

Join us on Thursday for our August general meeting! Come share what’s happening in your garden, meet fellow gardeners, and hear updates on current community garden cases. Magali and Mara will also report back from the American Community Garden Association…