Category: NYCCGC News

Board Candidate Bios

To help you make decisions on who to vote for on 10-17-13 here are the candidate bios: RAY FIGUEROA (current board member) My Accomplishments My accomplishments as NYCCGC President include bringing a renewed focus on grassroots organizing by strategically reaching out…

General Meeting in Manhattan Thursday September 19, 2013 6pm

Join NYCCGC for our Manhattan General Meeting at LaGuardia Garden. Please note the earlier start time at 6pm for this meeting. Address: 511 LaGuardia Place (bet. Bleecker & Houston Streets) (La Guardia Place is the northern extension of West…

General Meeting in the Bronx Thursday September 19, 2013 at 6pm

This Thursday September 19, 2013 The NYCCGC Bronx meeting will be at 6 PM and hosted by the community gardeners of: NOS QUEDAMOS in the Community Center located at 754 Melrose Avenue (156th and 157th Streets). Transportation:  the BX 41 Bus to…

Candidates on Community Gardens

At long last, here are the videos of the candidates who attended the NYCCGC Mayoral Forum this past spring. In addition to attending the forum, candidates filled out an extensive questionnaire about community gardens and parks – a PDF of…


We have rescheduled the Board Election (previously scheduled for 9/19) to Thursday, October 17, at the same location. We apologize for this scheduling change, and hope that everyone who was planning to attend will be able to accommodate this change. NYCCGC…

September: NYCCGC Board Elections

Step up! Become a community garden leader. This coming September, NYCCGC will host its annual board elections. To run for a spot on the board, you must be a community gardener who has attended at least three meetings or NYCCGC…

General Meeting: 8/15, 6:30PM, Coney Island

NYCCGC returns to Coney Island! Join us for a general meeting with community gardeners from across the city Thursday, August 15, 6:30pm, at Boardwalk Garden, located at 3001-3031 W. 22nd St. in Coney Island between Surf. Ave and the boardwalk.…

Come Rally for Parks and Community Gardens at City Hall!

Come Rally for Parks and Community Gardens at City Hall! Join New Yorkers for Parks and fellow open space advocates from every borough as we call upon the Mayoral candidates to make parks and gardens an election-year priority. We’ve invited…

General Meeting: 7/18, 6:30PM

NYCCGC general meetings are great ways to meet fellow gardeners, learn about the issues affecting community gardens, and join in on the work. This July, meetings will be held in three locations. Come to whichever location is most convenient for…