NYCCGC has reviewed the 2019 GreenThumb License sent the week of April 15th via mail to the primary garden contacts. The bold italics represent changes from the 2014 license agreement. Please share with your garden membership, and address your comments…
New Licenses for Community Gardens Released
The new licenses for community gardens are out! We are currently reviewing the new terms and will be in touch soon about how they may affect you. As gardeners, our first interest is to gardens. Legal language can be confusing and…
Gardens Rising RFP: Land Surveyor
The NYC Community Garden Coalition is seeking qualification statements and price quotes from qualified land surveyors to complete land surveys on an as-needed basis of project sites scheduled for improvements under the “Community Gardens Green Infrastructure Improvements” project. This effort…
Elizabeth Street Garden Filed A Lawsuit
Elizabeth Street Garden (ESG), ESG Chair Renee Green, and the Garden’s creator Allan Reiver have filed a lawsuit against the City of New York and the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) challenging their actions regarding environmental quality review of the…
Mayor De Blasio: Protect Mandela Garden
A decision in the lawsuit to protect Mandela Garden from development could come as early as next week, and we have one more chance to tell the Mayor how critical this resource is before a decision is made. We’d like…
Giving Growing
Cooling air and freezing ground give us time to reflect on the past year and plan for the coming season. Many of our City’s community gardens are in trouble, under threat of demolition that we as a coalition have challenged at every…