As many of you may already know, proposed federal budget cuts threaten the GreenThumb program and its support of New York City’s Community Gardens! Please, spread the word by printing out and sharing NYCCGC’s Action Alert and Petition to SAVE GreenThumb! Right…
Summer Leadership Retreat Scholarships Announced
Eighteen Scholarships Available! New York City Community Garden Coalition would like to share a very special opportunity with 18 lucky community gardening enthusiasts! This July, the amazing Center for Whole Communities at Knoll Farm, in collaboration with NYCCGC, will be hosting andfacilitating…
People, Plants, and Politics in The City – SAT.12.MAR
Join us at Making Brooklyn Bloom – the unofficial (and free!) start of the gardening season – on Saturday, March 12 at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. NYCCGC’s President and Vice-President, Karen Washington and Eric Thomann will present an overview of the…
NYCCGC to Co-Host Evening of Eco Films, Wed. March 9
New York’s pioneering community garden group, Green Guerillas, is hosting the Wild & Scenic Film Festival on Wednesday, March 9 at the LGBT Center, 208 West 13th St in Manhattan. Join community gardeners, urban farmers, composters, and others who care about the…
Welcome to the New & Improved!
New York City Community Garden Coalition is proud to unveil our new website, currently still in “beta” mode. On this new site, you can connect more easily with NYCCGC and the entire community gardening community. More features will be added…
2010: A Crucial Year
Chronicled on this page are press releases and statements from New York City Community Garden Coalition from 2010, a very busy year for the organization and a crucial year for the community gardens of our city. It was the year…