What is an “Unconference?” Find Out THU.15.MAR!

Spring is prematurely in the air, and plants are stirring from their winter slumber: it's time to talk gardening!

Join us at Neighborhood Preservation Center (232 East 11th St in Manhattan) on Thursday, March 15, from 6:30 to 8:30pm, for our monthly general meeting of gardeners from across the city to discuss topics ranging from neighborhood issues to city-wide policies. Tell us what's going on in your garden!

Up for discussion: the upcoming NYCCGC Board of Directors elections, and the planning of the upcoming Occupy the Land Unconference (June 1 - June 3), a departure from our traditional Community Gardeners' Forum.

NYCCGC is collaborating with Occupy Wall Street in planning this 'unconference' – a participant-driven, multi-site convening in which people freely offer to lead workshops and teach-ins, and to make art and music together. In the works are workshops on permaculture, healthy cooking, the politics of land use, herbal medicine, garden sculpture, spoken word, youth and education, and much, much more. Leading up to the unconference, Occupy activists will be working in local communities to help and to learn from gardeners.
If you would like to connect to conference planning or could use some help in your garden from an Occupy volunteer, come to Thursday's meeting!

Reminder: NYCCGC's Communications Committee is seeking new members with writing skills and technical proficiency (social media, WordPress, etc) to join our team. Contact us for details.
