Request for Proposals, deadline 4/22/16

The New York City Community Garden Coalition (NYCCGC) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to identify New York State licensed professional landscape architecture/engineering design, and planning firms best qualified to provide the services necessary for a feasibility study and develop a Master Plan for stormwater capture best practices within the community gardens of the Lower East Side of Manhattan consistent with the requirements of the CDBG-DR funding stream.

The Master Plan will develop a green infrastructure feasibility study to increase the permeability and stormwater capture within forty-seven (47) community gardens located in Community Board 3 and within the boundaries of in the Lower Manhattan NYRCR planning area. The majority of the gardens are located within an area that was severely flooded during Superstorm Sandy and many were directly impacted by the storm.

NYCCGC will select qualified landscape architecture/engineering design, and planning services firms of the highest caliber that employ adequate staff and possess the financial management capacity to be able to focus immediate attention on this project. The successful Respondent will assist NYCCGC with all basic services in accordance with HUD and GOSR requirements and RFP timetables.

For more information regarding the RFP and the Gardens Rising project please visit our website:
