Notes from the Urban Ag Town Hall

Councilmember Espinal and Brooklyn Borough President Adams hosted an Urban Agriculture Town Hall on May 8, 2018. Community gardeners and many supporting organizations including NYCCGC attended to communicate the value and needs of urban ag in our city's public gardens.
This was just one step along the way to formulating a urban ag policy for New York City. Stay informed and connected to the broader community of urban ag in NYC by attending our upcoming general meeting at Tranquility Farm on May 17th! An in-person report-back of the event will be shared and discussed in addition to other community garden matters.
We are working with 596 Acres, Brooklyn Packers, Brooklyn-Queens Land Trust, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Farm School NYC, Just Food, Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens (LUNGS), and The Youth Farm to advocate for the needs of community gardens as the city considers a citywide urban agriculture policy.