NYCCGC Calls on Parks to Make the New Licenses Mutually Beneficial to the City and Community Gardeners

GreenThumb is pressuring community gardens to sign a 4-year license agreement that is not acceptable to most gardeners.

Less than half of the City's 550 gardens have signed the license. We continue to ask you to stand in solidarity and not sign the license.

On Wednesday, July 24, we met with the Parks Department, GreenThumb and their lawyer to discuss possible changes to the new license agreement. Cordial but not substantive could describe the meeting.

We presented Parks with a list of issues and recommendations that we felt make the license more palatable. CLICK HERE for our recommendations.

We requested that the August 5 deadline for signing the license be extended. We are hoping to have another meeting with The Parks Department.

As far as extending the deadline, we agreed to work towards the deadline of August 5. There remain major disagreements over the license. We urge gardens to resist signing.

August 5 is less then two weeks away, that isn't much time to reach an agreement.

If Parks forces our hand, we must consider other actions.
