The City is putting pressure on gardeners to sign an onerous agreement. They are threatening groups that have been voluntarily gardening for more than 30 years. This is unconscionable. Once again, we urge you not to sign this license. We…
Author: NYCCGC
New Date for Rally to Celebrate Community Gardens at City Hall: 9/19
GreenThumb has extended the deadline to sign the new garden license agreement. The new deadline is Friday, September 20. NYCCGC continues to urge gardens to not sign the license. More than half the community gardens in New York City have…
Community Garden License Deadline Extended for 30 Days
We are pleased that GreenThumb has extended the license agreement deadline to September 20. We hope to continue negotiating in good faith. We all love our gardens and want to continue to have a good relationship with GreenThumb and the…
Update: Some Progress on the New License Terms
NYCCGC met with the Parks Department and GreenThumb in our continuing effort to discuss the issues that gardeners have with the new license agreement. Some progress has been made: Gardeners will once again have the option of allowing dogs into…
NYCCGC Calls on Parks to Make the New Licenses Mutually Beneficial to the City and Community Gardeners
GreenThumb is pressuring community gardens to sign a 4-year license agreement that is not acceptable to most gardeners. Less than half of the City’s 550 gardens have signed the license. We continue to ask you to stand in solidarity and…
Relicensing Packet Submission Dates for Community Gardens on NYC Parks property
NYCCGC lawyers are nearly done with the license review and will have a formal reply to GreenThumb by mid-July. NYCCGC is continuing to urge gardens not to sign the license. NYCCGC will send out our response to the garden community…
Moratorium on signing the new license agreement
On Saturday, May 18, we held a Community Garden Town Hall at St Mark’s Church to discuss the new GreenThumb license agreement mailed to the garden representatives on the week of April 15. More than 130 people from across the…
Changes to the new GreenThumb license
NYCCGC has reviewed the 2019 GreenThumb License sent the week of April 15th via mail to the primary garden contacts. The bold italics represent changes from the 2014 license agreement. Please share with your garden membership, and address your comments…
New Licenses for Community Gardens Released
The new licenses for community gardens are out! We are currently reviewing the new terms and will be in touch soon about how they may affect you. As gardeners, our first interest is to gardens. Legal language can be confusing and…
Gardens Rising RFP: Land Surveyor
The NYC Community Garden Coalition is seeking qualification statements and price quotes from qualified land surveyors to complete land surveys on an as-needed basis of project sites scheduled for improvements under the “Community Gardens Green Infrastructure Improvements” project. This effort…